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Acculturation Paper

Acculturation Paper

Q In Dr. Jones podcast she hit many different groups in regard to racism and healthcare. She speaks about the “weathering process” which is a cause of accelerated aging. (Jones, 2008) She speaks about the engine of a car in the fact that racism is affecting the “body”, increasingly wearing it out every day. This is what will happen to the engine of the car if you constantly have the engine gunning you will eventually wear out the parts much faster and “age” them which can cause them to break. (Jones, 2008) This breaking is an example of the mental and physical stress faced by different races. Each race has their own stress factors and the environment and culture that America has is own of racial bias. Many Black Americans live with the issue of stress, anxiety, and violence on a day-to-day basis. (Shattell & Brown, 2017) The issue surrounding the death of George Floyd served many purposes in which one was to bring to light the inequality and negativity viewed in Black communities. This has affected the mental health of adult African Americans and through the micro-aggressions faced on a daily basis the demeanor when faced in such situations usually results in violence which can be either verbal or physical. (Shattell & Brown, 2017) The focus should be on reducing the stigmas and increasing care for mental health. Nurses can decrease the bias in the healthcare system by accepting the fact that we care for a person regardless of ethnicity, race, and culture. Nurses’ cares for all individuals of all groups and communities regardless of ethnicity, race, and culture. Treat your patients the way you would want to be treated. Bower, K. M., Geller, R. J., Perrin, N. A., & Alhusen, J. (2018). Experiences of Racism and Preterm Birth: Findings from a Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2004 through 2012. Jones, C. P. (2008). Confronting institutionalized racism - unnatural causes. Retrieved from Shattell, M., & Brown, P. J. (2017). Black Mental Health Matters: What Nurses Need to Know About Chronic Stres

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Acculturation is the process in which a group or individual transitions from one culture to develop the traits of another culture. (Potter, pg. 1464, 2020). Acculturation encompasses the ideas a group would take to ensure they meet the socio-cultural values and are accepted into the new environment. This is especially true when moving from one specific culture to a country that has a variety of cultures already mixed within its structure. Acculturation implies that different cultures adapt to new environments by assimilating and integrating multiple new traits and traditions to create a sort of hybrid cultural mix.